In a historic milestone for India’s space exploration, Group Captain Shubhanshu Shukla of the Indian Air Force is set to become the first Indian astronaut to live and work aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Scheduled for launch in the spring of 2025, Shukla will serve as the pilot for the Axiom Mission 4 (Ax-4), a private mission organized by Axiom Space in collaboration with SpaceX and NASA.
Born on October 10, 1985, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, Shukla is a seasoned test pilot with approximately 2,000 hours of flying experience across various aircraft, including the Sukhoi-30MKI, MiG-21, MiG-29, and Jaguar. He was commissioned into the Indian Air Force in June 2006 and has since established himself as a Fighter Combat Leader.
The Ax-4 mission is a significant step in the growing partnership between India and the United States in space exploration. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “We look forward to welcoming the first ISRO astronaut to the International Space Station! This is a monumental step forward for US-India partnership in space.”
As the mission pilot, Shukla will assist Commander Peggy Whitson in conducting essential spacecraft operations, such as navigation and docking procedures. He will also support scientific research by setting up and managing microgravity experiments aboard the ISS. The crew is currently undergoing rigorous training at facilities including NASA, SpaceX, the European Space Agency, and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency to prepare for the mission.
This mission not only marks India’s first human presence on the ISS but also provides valuable experience for the country’s upcoming Gaganyaan program, ISRO’s inaugural crewed mission. The Ax-4 mission underscores India’s expanding role in global space activities and highlights the nation’s growing capabilities in space exploration.